You may have noticed may incredibly boring post names during your time reading my blog. I'll often be non-stop writing during the creation of a post but as soon as I get to the title, I have a complete blank. Do you get that? Anyway, I've stuck to generic describing the outfit titles so as not to make a complete fool of myself! Not much has happened recently (I've been bored to death stuck at home) but my biggest news is that I've finally gone and joined instagram (a bit too late I feel). I'm a complete amateur but I have been getting into the swing of it recently so if you'd like to follow me, click here. I'm looking for people to follow as well so feel free to leave your usernames below and I will check them out.
I had these photos spare from my shop so I decided I'd use them as an outfit post today. I do really really like this jumper. It's the perfect granny-style item I've been lusting after for ages. Don't you just love this colour? (It makes me think of toothpaste!). If I don't end up selling this jumper, I'll have absolutely no problem keeping it in my wardrobe! The velvet skirt can also be seen in this post. The truth is, I haven't worn it much since I first made it (probably because I see it more as a summer item than one to be worn in the cold) but that doesn't mean that I don't love it! You must be so so bored of seeing these shoes by now but they just go with everything and my shoe collection is still very limited - more reasons to buy some new heels!
How has your week been? What do you think of my outfit?
jumper - vintage (buy it in my shop)
skirt - cut from the bottom of a vintage dress (see here)
shoes - New Look
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